Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Wish You Were Here

Vivid dream last night. I dreamt I went to see Pink Floyd with an ex-boyfriend who is also a friend. It wasn't in a stadium, though; it was more like a hockey rink with half of it closed off. When I asked him where his girlfriend was, he waved his hand dismissively and said, "Ah, that's all finished." When he saw the look of surprise on my face he added, "It was getting expensive." (I have no clue what that meant.) The band began to play Wish You Were Here with the lights on. He put his arm around me (despite my husband being somewhere else in the audience) and I closed my eyes.

When I opened them, we were in a small pub that happened to be owned by my friend from high school's mother. Pink Floyd was there, playing in the corner. The place was packed so it was very difficult to move around. My ex and I made our way to the opposite corner from Floyd. There we found two vacant La Z Boys so we were able to recline and hold hands while listening to the band (despite my husband being somewhere else in the pub).

When the show was over, I stopped to talk with my friend's mother. Next thing I know, my friend was in a mad rush to leave. Outside, I saw an open door and a couple of the band members were in a room, packing up their gear. I told them I appreciated them playing such a small venue and I thanked them. Then my friend and I made a mad dash along city streets I didn't recognize.

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